powerpc g3
PowerPC G3

A processor chip from Apple Computer, Inc..

Described by Apple as "the third generation in the development
of advanced processor technology" the first PowerPC G3
products were launched in 1997. It is specifically optimised
for the Macintosh Operating System and uses backside cache
to improve performance. The PowerPC G3 has been used by Apple
in notebook, desktop and server products.


podobné slovodefinícia
powerpc g3
PowerPC G3

A processor chip from Apple Computer, Inc..

Described by Apple as "the third generation in the development
of advanced processor technology" the first PowerPC G3
products were launched in 1997. It is specifically optimised
for the Macintosh Operating System and uses backside cache
to improve performance. The PowerPC G3 has been used by Apple
in notebook, desktop and server products.



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